Embroider logo
An Italian company always in search of excellence. After forty years in the textile area, ProgettiFORmE® has specialized in the embroider logo sector.

The embroidery express timeless emotions.
By embroidering, emotions can be expressed without any limit.

Something about us
The immense world of embroidery has always fascinated us. When the Progettiiforme® company was opened forty years ago, the reference sector was only that of textiles and fashion. With the passage of time and years, we have understood that our true vocation lies in the detail, in the detail that makes a process unique and inimitable. This is how in the early 2000s we specialized in the embroider logo sector, we specialized to follow the customer throughout the project, from the presentation of the idea to the final characterization of the product. Every day, we listen to the requests of stylists or fashion houses and make them part of reality.
When professionals from the world of fashion cross our doors, they are often looking for that detail that transforms their creation into something unique. This is how our embroider logo are personalized and unique: it will never happen to find an embroidery identical to another, each has its own personality, because it is the reflection of the emotion that the designer wants to capture, point after point. We combine the high quality of the materials used, with cutting-edge technical and scientific know-how, to serve a 360 ° service that accompanies and pampers the customer throughout the production cycle.